First Questions

Are you a new believer or inquiring about the Christian faith?

Welcome from the Pastor

Who is Man and what is our story?


The Bible informs us that God created us in His image. Though this is a hard thing to understand, it is what sets us apart from all other created things. We were made with a nature that gives us the ability to think, love, and enjoy intimate relationships with HIm, as well as the wonder between a Man and woman, which is his created design. We have a reasoning process which allows us to understand, to explore. To express ourselves through speech. We also were created as volitional people, in other words, we have the freedom of choice.

It was however this freedom of choice that became our downfall as humans. Being deceived, a decision to be disobedient to God was made. This intentional act of disobedience, known as sin, resulted in a broken relationship with God. No longer was mankind allowed to enjoy a close presence of their maker in this sinful fallen state.

All aspects of the creation have experienced a constant process of decay and degeneration because of the choice man had made. Throughout our history, the same choice of rejecting God has led man into an ongoing spiral of deception, perversion, disharmony and decay. Left of our own, we will continue on this course of destruction with no hope of restoration.

God has looked upon man with love and compassion(pity with the ability and desire to help fix the problem).

From the start, God had the plan to provide restoration for all that was lost in sin.

This plan would provide forgiveness of sin, paying the payment required for the damage, and restoring that which was lost.

This plan would not be completed through any of man’s abilities, accomplishments or efforts, but only through an act of grace by God through Jesus Christ alone.


In summary: We as humans are in big trouble, a problem with no way out on our own.

God loves us and is the only one who has the remedy to fix our problem.

God’s remedy is fully accomplished through the work of Jesus Christ and only Him! Help is available to us when we go to Christ for His salvation.


Genesis 1-3; Romans 3:21-26; Romans 6:23; John 3:16


Who is God?


God is the one and only eternal and supreme being. All things that exist were created by Him and through Him, all things are sustained. It is impossible for us to fully understand an infinite God, yet He has revealed enough of Himself enabling us to enter into a relationship with Him. God has shown himself through His creative ways, through human contact and his inspired written word.

God has revealed to us that He exists as three distinct persons; the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Since we are unable to relate to and cannot grasp the infinite nature of God “the Father”, He has therefore connected with us through the persons of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

God sovereignly controls the destiny of mankind and all creation. God also has a plan that He has pre-determined. Through this plan, He is unveiling His glory along with revealing His gracious love and compassion He has for us through Jesus Christ.


Genesis 1:1; Psalm 24:1; Psalm 90:2; Romans 11:33-36; 1 Timothy 6:16


Who is Jesus Christ?


God has revealed to us that He exists as three distinct persons; the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the second person who exists through eternity and is co-equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus referred to as the Son of God, truly is “God become flesh”. Born of a virgin through a miracle of the Holy Spirit, Jesus entered the earth and lived a perfect and sinless human life. Through Jesus, God’s predetermined plan for the redemption of this fallen and sinful world was displayed and put into effect. Jesus, though sinless, offered himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all humanity by His death on the cross. He then rose from the dead physically on the third day, appeared to many people, and then ascended into Heaven with the promise to return again. It is only through the work of Jesus Christ that anyone can be forgiven of our sinful state and be restored to a right relationship with God.


John 1:1-5;14; John 3:16; John 14:6; Matthew 1:22-25; 1 Corinthians 15:1-7


Who is the Holy Spirit?


God has revealed to us that He exists as three distinct persons; the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person who exists through eternity and is co-equal with the Father and Jesus the Son.

It is through the Holy Spirit that we humans become aware of our sinful fallen nature and are led to a repentant heart. It is also by the work of the Holy Spirit that we are drawn to the Saviour, “Jesus Christ”.

The Holy Spirit enters and indwells the life of every Christian as a deposit guaranteeing their inheritance as a redeemed child of God. He is a helper for the Christian; to guide us in God’s truth. He also acts as a comforter and intercessor for us when we are unable to effectively communicate our needs to God.


Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:15-16; 26-27


How do I become a Christian?


The Christian life begins when a person becomes aware of their shortcomings in regard to their relationship with God and has a desire to correct the problem.

All of our shortcomings began with Adam and Eve, where rebellion against God lead to a broken relationship with Him as well as an imperfect lifestyle that is a constant offence and unacceptable to Him. This state is inherited by all mankind and is called “sin” which leads to death and eternal separation from God.

God provided the solution.  By sending Jesus Christ to die in place of all mankind the payment for sin was made, giving forgiveness of sin and restoring our relationship with God. This salvation which is provided by God is only available through Christ but each person must choose to receive it for themselves.


When a person becomes a Christian they are in fact “calling on the name of the Lord to be saved”

Confessing they are sinful people and cannot save themselves (which is our shortcoming)

Confessing their belief in Jesus Christ as the only means of forgiveness and eternal life.

Accepting this gift with the desire and invitation for God to change and direct our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit.

John 3:16; John 1:12; Romans 3:22-24; Romans 5:1-2; Ephesians 2:8-9


What happens when I become a Christian?


When a person accepts Christ, a relationship has begun which will result in a lifelong journey of transformation. The Holy Spirit enters the life of a believer and performs a work of growth and maturity within. This work in fact is producing a ” new creation ” which is in the form God created us to be. With the Holy Spirit in us, we will grow in our desire to have our mind set on what the spirit desires, not what our old sinful nature desires. This change which will take place is actually ” becoming more like Christ “.


This change that occurs is facilitated through two important connections that are vital for the Christian.

       1.  being connected with a church.

       2.  being involved with regular reading and study of the Bible.


2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 1:13-14; Romans 8:5-9; 2 Corinthians 3:17-18


What is the Church?


The Church is more accurately referred to as “who” and not as “what”.  The Church is “the family of God”, the “collection of believers”. It is the universal body of Christians that are the redeemed of Christ.  Globally it is everyone who has become a Christian from all ages past present and future.  Locally it is a collection of believers that are committed to one another in a state of  community.  The church regularly comes together to bring joint worship to God through the proclamation and teaching of the scriptures, through music, prayer and sharing in fellowship together. In essence, Christians are “doing life” together. It is also the church that God uses to bring the message of love and salvation through Christ to the world.

It is important that a Christian not neglect their connection to a local church, as this is a vital method the Holy Spirit uses in our life transformation.


1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Hebrews 10:24-25


What is the Bible?


The Bible is God’s method of communicating His truth to mankind. God “divinely inspired” various people in various ways through history to accurately document His message to man in written form. The Bible provides the full revelation of the things God wants man to know in regards to His heart, His nature and His will for His creation.

The Bible is a letter, like a text, or Email to us, and is truly His “written word”.

It also outlines man’s history and destiny, God’s moral code, man’s sinfulness, and the truth of Jesus Christ as the provision of salvation to those who believe.

Through the guiding power of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is useful to teach us, point out our mistakes, direct us in correction, and train us to live in the way God intends for us.


2 Timothy 3: 16